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Photo du rédacteurDom BRIKI

The Scale of Levels of Consciousness.

[Synthesis, Notes, and Reflections Based on the Works

of David R. Hawkins and Frederick Dodson]

Sir David Hawkins, M.D., was a world-renowned psychiatrist, physicist, researcher, and lecturer. He is one of the pioneers of modern kinesiology. Hawkins developed a classification of levels of consciousness that I find fascinating. It is an interpretation of the frequencies we emit when we experience emotions, as well as the vibrational energy levels emanating from a place, animal, object, thing, etc. The lower the vibration frequency, the worse and more confused we feel; the higher the vibration or frequency, the better, more inspired, and clearer we feel.

The Scale of Consciousness is logarithmic rather than linear. For example, courage (200) is much more advanced and higher in vibrational frequency than twice 100 (fear). A single person vibrating at 500 (love) can raise the vibration of 750,000 people vibrating at 200! Whether one takes Dr. Hawkins' paradigm and calibration system literally or not is not the most important thing. What matters is that what he highlights can help us deepen our understanding of ourselves and our lives.

In my synthesis, I have chosen Frederick Dodson's system, which is contemporary to Dr. Hawkins' work but draws on it and transcribes it 90%, adding some very interesting nuances in my opinion.

Personally, I see all levels of consciousness-energy as a functional inter-dynamic unit. Each frequency zone of the spectrum can be compared to a vibrational realm with its own charge and force of attraction: each level of energy "attracts" (lowers and pulls down) the level above it and "attracts" (elevates and pulls up) the one below it. We all have "packages" of several "vibrational levels" that express themselves inter-dynamically within us from moment to moment, like water changing temperature depending on time and environment. At certain moments, we rise in frequency, while at others, we descend lower. However, at a specific moment in our lives, we are more or less stabilized at a particular level of the spectrum, occupying a certain "zone" that manifests our spiritual maturity at the time.

Table of Contents

I- The 6 "anti-life" vibrational zones,"destructive," "heavy," "dense," "pulling downward":

  • The Self-Hatred Zone

  • The Victimization Zone

  • The Greed Zone

  • The Anger Zone

  • The Pride Zone

  • The Functionality Zone

II- The "Lever" Vibrational Level toward "Higher" Levels:


The 5 "pro-life" vibrational zones,"productive," "subtle," "pulling upward":

III- The Zone of Goodwill

IV- The Zone of Neutrality

V- The Zone of Creativity and Innovation

VI- The Zone of Wonder and Joy



The 3 Lowest Zones of the Spectrum:


0 to 30: Shame / Confusion and Mental Disorders / Hostile Paranoia / Terror / Anxiety / Nightmares / Madness / Psychosis / "Possessed" / "Demonic" Entities / "Lower Astral"

30 to 50: Guilt / Self-Hatred / Humiliation / Reproach / Hatred / Rage / Murder / Destructiveness / Misery

50 to 80: Apathy / Powerlessness / Resignation / Passivity / Despair / Regret / Tragic / Deep Depression


80 to 100: Sadness / Grief / Self-Pity / Complaints / Pity / Compulsive Crying / Depression / Victim Mentality / Extreme Codependency / Isolation / "No Future"

100 to 125: Fear / Withdrawal / Worry / Insecurity / Paranoia / Shyness / Tension / Politically Correct / Panic Attacks / Antisocial


125 to 160: Greed / Desire / Lust / Insatiable Thirst / Desire to Control Things, People, and Situations in a Subtle (Deceptive, Manipulative, Insincere) Manner / Compulsion to Take Without Giving in Return / Hoarding / Not Wanting to Lose Anything / Addiction / All Kinds of Dependencies / Frustration / Disgust / Rejection / Blocked, Inhibited, and Hidden Anger / Inauthenticity / Passive Aggression / Obsession / Scarcity and Lack Mentality (Win-Lose) / Bulimia / Constant Dissatisfaction / Compulsive Consumerism

The entertainment industry, media, and fiat economy largely sustain themselves by inducing fear and anxiety (100), greed (135), and anger (160) in us.


At the vibrational level of anger, one seeks to control lower energy levels in a coercive and destructive way. However, a burst of anger is often what is momentarily necessary to break free from victimization, depression, apathy, and greed.

160 to 180: Anger / Agitation / Assertion / "I'm Right" / Speaking Louder / Crushing / Domination / Tyranny / Excessive Control / Aggression / Violence / Rage / Vengeance / Opposition / War / Battle / "Armed" / Destruction / Overcome / Threat / Punishment / Oppression

180 to 190: Antagonism / Contradiction / Opposition / Criticism / Skepticism / Denial / Wanting the Last Word / Discontent / Arrogance / Certainty

Fighting, opposing, and resisting always involve a decrease in the vibrational level of consciousness-energy. Resistance therefore acts as an obstacle to the movement of energy towards higher vibrational levels. At level 180 lies the reality of fundamentalist religious individuals and dogmatic ideologues.

The perception of things below 200 is always limited, specific, narrow, and restricted, both at the sensory level and in intellectual functioning. Attention is highly selective and biased, automatically driven/piloted by internal desires and aversions. A person below level 200 can only perceive their environment indirectly, through their mental monologue and preconceived ideas. (Skepticism is found between 170 and 220).


Pride is the crucial vibrational level that separates the lower energy realms—the hells (disturbing and unproductive emotions)—from the intermediate and higher realms. It is like the sound barrier that must be pierced and abandoned to access more productive energy-consciousness levels, sources of expansion and inspiration, in service of life, contributing to creating an upward spiral of spiritual evolution.

190 to 199: Pride / Separation / Arrogance / Narcissism / Superiority Complex / Elitism / Boasting / Condescending Gaze / Contempt / Pride in being more evolved, more successful, having accomplished things better than others; being more enlightened than "the people" / Belittling / Snobbery / Racism / Strong Attachment to Past Achievements / Heavy Energy in the Air / Rigidity / Monotony / Boredom mixed with Frustration / Cynicism and Passive-Aggressive Dark Humor

It is impossible to succeed materially and prosper financially in the world if one is stabilized at energy levels below 190 for too long. On the other hand, the vibratory "realm" of pride is the "hell" of the frustrated rich, extremely attached to their material possessions. The "frustrated rich" (not to be confused with the wealthy who have stabilized at much higher vibrational levels) feel trapped in their monotonous boredom. They are very fond of intrigue, gossip, drama, and conspiracies. It is precisely the perpetuation of antagonism towards the lower energy levels, which they look down on but are so fond of, that keeps them "stuck" at a vibratory frequency unable to stabilize at 200 (the starting point of contentment and happiness) or rise above.

190 is the level of extreme narcissism: "I am completely focused on 'me,' 'my' life and 'my' desires; 'my' personal development; I am better than others, smarter, more evolved, more advanced, more aware..." The importance given to oneself is excessive, and the desire for separation is very strong, thus consuming a lot of energy (antagonism between me/others, me/the world, the axis of good/the axis of evil, etc.).

This is also the space where one would have no problem committing ethically questionable, dishonest acts or crimes at the expense of others. Genuine integrity and decency only emerge from 200 onwards! Level 190 can thus be devious, dishonest, and unscrupulous. On its better days, it rises slightly to breathe in higher levels of consciousness, which it intuitively feels. But on its bad days, it sinks well below integrity, indulging in antisocial, destructive, and unhealthy actions (lies, scams). Level 190 has a lot of energy compared to lower levels but lacks goodwill. Its attention is almost entirely obsessed/focused on acquiring, possessing, amassing, gaining, and making a good impression, being admired and envied.

There is a lot of money to be made by exploiting energy levels below 200 and using disturbing emotions such as shame, guilt, fear, paranoia, hatred, rage, lust, and greed! Level 190 can do this without scruples. The entertainment industry and mainstream media tap into these emotions daily, having made it a multi-billion-dollar business. Images are thus incessantly programmed into the collective unconscious, with the effect of keeping consciousness at a vibratory level below 200. Most television programs, news, and movies contain hundreds of negative beliefs and images, and most of us let all this into our minds. Caution: the media are not "responsible"... In my view, this is an emergent property of the whole as a grand totality; there is no "conspiracy" of an elite wanting to "control all of humanity"; rather, it is the mass of people stagnating at these compressed energy levels that demands and pays (literally) to be fed in this way. This system is a feedback loop between victims and perpetrators that cannot exist without one or the other if looked at from a higher perspective ==> WE are ourselves responsible for what is reflected in the mirror of the world.

It is through the choice of information entering my mind that I define my experience of "reality." I notice that my interest in certain programs (gratuitously violent films, horror films, pornography, catastrophic news, "esoteric" new-age currents) evaporates (and at the same time, my addictions have lost their attractive quality and grip on my mind, my compulsive "desires" having seemingly gone up in smoke) as soon as my general vibrational level has changed (more clarity, more motivation, more well-being, etc.).

In this model of the scale of consciousness, nothing is static, systematic, or absolutely "good" or "bad": for example, in a part of the world where the level of consciousness was stuck below 100 (apathy, guilt, and shame), television by generating desire and greed has allowed the population to rise, as in China, where millions of people have moved to the level 125 (desire). A large number have reached the stage where they consider the fulfillment of desires possible and can act accordingly.


200 to 275: Functionality/Routine/Complacency / Routine / Stagnation / Functionality / Hard Work is Necessary / Concrete Efficiency in the Service of "X" / Going in Circles / Superficial Discussions / Boredom mixed with a Subtle Form of Complacency / Passive Contentment Devoid of Inspiration and Motivation / Laziness / Skeptical Tolerance / Conformism / External Authority Considered Indispensable / Naive Trust in the Official Mainstream Version of the World / Down-to-Earth Rationality / Lack of Imagination, Inspiration, and Intuition

The ability to "work hard" (200 to 220) is the beginning of liberation from levels 0 to 199, but it can lead to a form of functional passivity if one becomes complacent. The intention to evolve, to rise, is not present: from 200 to 250 is the "reality" of contentment but in the sense of complacency and not courage and gratitude. "It’s okay / Everything is 'okay' = Nothing really extraordinary or exciting, but 'it’s okay'!"

From 220 to 250 appears a form of lazy complacency, a need for entertainment, fragmented attention, distraction, a lack of "dreams," difficulty in motivating oneself, undertaking something new, creating, envisioning, and advancing into the unknown. 220 is not sectarian and lets others have their opinions, but it prefers superficial discussions that lead nowhere, not delving too deeply. Complacency and negligence, lack of discipline and consistency appear, avoiding stepping out of our comfort zone by fueling certain routines.

The ordinary Westerner, working honestly and following the mainstream current, accepting the news, activities, entertainment, and vacations that everyone else does without asking too many questions, is stabilized around level 220. In line with this level, we have a mass of people caught in a cycle of work serving various large companies, focused on paying their bills, consuming what is offered, hypnotized by mainstream "screens," feeling more or less satisfied with what they have, taking care of their family, but not planning anything special or different to accomplish something greater or positively contribute to the world. The favorite excuse between 200 and 300 is "I DON’T HAVE TIME."

In the "reality" of this energy field, nothing surprising or extraordinary, that would challenge our comfort and habits, nothing mystical or strange, shocking to expect. There is not enough energy at this level to create an original life for oneself. One follows the official life guidelines and thus lives vicariously (culture of comfort, conformity, overconsumption, "fashion," Hollywood entertainment, media, social networks, mediocrity, and celebrity worship).

At level 200, it is not healing that is required but the cultivation of intention, self-discipline, and will. To start rising in vibrations, our personal intention and will must be cultivated: values, goals, and a personal direction must be developed, along with the necessary self-discipline (and aspiration) to improve ourselves, learn new things, step out of our comfort zone regularly, evolve spiritually, renew our enthusiasm and inspiration daily. Projecting oneself, writing an ideal script of one’s life in the short, medium, and long term are essential exercises and valid techniques up to level 500.

From 250 to 270 is the realm of conservatism, stability, Authority, and Order (mental, emotional, financial, values, etc.). Here, one wants security, money, and comfort. Our values and principles are "interested" and not intrinsically ethical, as they are considered indispensable if one wants to reap the rewards of hard work: the "benefit" of "gaining something" is present in the equation. From the perspective of lower levels, levels 250 to 270 look like salvation and the end of problems. And from higher up, it looks more like energetic rigidity—mediocrity, stiff opportunism, "stuck-up"—resistance to change and evolution.

"The higher the vibrational level rises from 200, the more human decency and ethics begin to express themselves." – David R. Hawkins.

If one wants to move into the 300 zone, it is necessary to replace "hard work" with "creative work," work that we are passionate about, that aligns with our inner melody while positively contributing to the world, and that simultaneously provides sufficient financial stability.


The Entertainment and Music Industry

Movies and the entertainment industry act as "energy field inducers." This is why it is so crucial to carefully choose the programs to which we expose our minds. We inevitably start vibrating at the frequency of whatever we invest our attention in.

What vibrational level of energy do you allow to infiltrate and resonate within you?

Seventy percent of all movies and news contain imagery and concepts below the level of 200. For example, violence (160) is glorified and even considered glamorous for its own sake, rather than being in service of a narrative or message. We can observe how the trend of producing gory horror films (0 to 110) has increased in recent years, inviting collective attention to focus on very low energy frequencies. Disturbing emotions are thus programmed and maintained in the unconscious of the individual, affecting their vibrational level in the long term. Those least aware of the vibrational nature of things, residing below 200, are the most susceptible, unable to consciously neutralize what is induced into their body-mind. It's the constant repetition of exposure to a certain type of film, certain themes, and certain news that energetically "drags down," without giving the body-mind time to regenerate or re-stabilize at its usual level.

The more people watch these kinds of programs and images, the more the cumulative effect on collective consciousness intensifies (pendulum/egregore). The arguments "it's just a movie" or "we need to be informed" are excuses that mask the abandonment of our individual sovereignty and endorse the irresponsibility, arrogance, and lack of respect of certain producers or journalists who know very well what they are doing to enrich themselves (pride threshold 190). The rest of the films generally vibrate at frequencies between 200 and 300.

There's nothing "wrong" with watching films vibrating at 40 (e.g., Pulp Fiction). But it is essential to be aware of the consequences this has on our energy field. To determine the frequency of a program or piece of information, you only need to connect with what you feel during and after watching. The same applies to the music you listen to, the type of news you dissect, and the type of people you spend time with.

II - The Vibrational Level as a "Lever" Towards Higher Levels:

The Threshold of Courage (275 to 320)

This Level is Characterized by Enthusiasm, Passion, and Positive Ambition.Here, we find relaxation, well-being, health, healthy nutrition, and fitness. A positive outlook on life begins to emerge with joyful self-challenges, an aspiration for self-improvement, and spiritual liberation. One opens up to the unknown, to novelty, and adventure; there is a desire to meet new people and have new experiences. However, instead of moving towards the realization of one's dreams, a person at this level often finds themselves stuck at the threshold of a mindset that would allow for consistent action. If they do not act on their enthusiasm and instead allow themselves to drift, they fall back into the mediocre, routine reality of levels 200 to 270.

At level 275, there are great dreams, but one is still content with less, not daring to fully reach their creative potential. This is the story of their life. They find intensity through sex, risky sports, or winning competitions. They are not afraid to face their fears and naturally and spontaneously attract the opposite sex without overthinking it, whereas levels 125 (Greed) and 160 (Anger) feel the need to seduce, manipulate, control, or dominate. Level 275 struggles with long-term commitment in relationships. They can be recognized by their brighter, more stylish, and original clothing choices compared to level 250, who blend into the crowd. Level 275 is the party-goer, the joker feigning indifference, or the athlete with impeccable abs. Their hedonistic philosophy (a doctrine that considers the pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of suffering as the principle of morality) is: "I do what I want."

Considering sexuality as a human act of spiritual connection and energetic communion, with a conscious choice of partner, considering their personality, soul, and spirit, measures above 300. A sexual act above 275 makes the experience far more intense and satisfying than shame and guilt (30), inadequacy/fear (100), the feeling of lack/greed (125), the need to dominate and humiliate/anger (160), the obsession with performance/pride (190), or the mediocre routine of a purely mechanical discharge (200).

If we wish to raise and stabilize our vibrational level higher, we must cultivate courage. If we are already in this vibrational zone and the socially programmed success seems superficial and unsatisfying, and we believe there must be something more, it's time to rise to 310 and beyond.

Motivation (310)A person above 300 no longer needs external motivation. Motivation is self-generated from within, independent of what others think or an agenda trying to align with the world (desire for approval-validation-recognition). This marks a turning point in the relationship to acquisitions and achievements: rather than wanting to have, take, acquire, possess, achieve, one values and appreciates. "I WANT money" transforms into "I APPRECIATE money." Level 300 no longer radiates the energy of lack daily in their life. Time is no longer seen as unmanageable or a source of stress (170 anger), a scarce commodity (250 functionality) to be managed as best as one can, but as an opportunity. Level 300 is the most productive person on earth, accomplishing things concretely. And they represent an archetype that provokes negative reactions in those below 200 (the global zone of all disturbing emotions fueled by resistance to life).

Level 300 is the archetype of:

  • Integrity

  • Gratitude

  • Authenticity

  • Humanity

  • Kindness

  • Decency

  • Cordiality

  • Patience

  • Humility

  • Respect

  • Honorability

All these qualities must be cultivated and practiced to raise the vibrational level of energy-consciousness. Another practice is to sincerely notice and note with gratitude all the things in the immediate environment and in our life that we appreciate, focusing our attention on everything that generates a big "YES" in our heart. Gratitude is a muscle.

The ordinary person navigates the world with random, fragmented attention, easily entertained, distracted, and captivated by a myriad of superficial, mediocre, and negative things (keeping the vibrational level below 200). Below 200, we focus our attention on "everything we don't want," cultivating discontent, dissatisfaction, and ingratitude.

This tendency reverses when we stabilize above 200.


The Spirituality of the 200s and 300s

Over 85% of "spiritual," "esoteric," and "metaphysical" books are actually written from a vibrational level below the authentic energy of spirituality (500). This doesn’t mean that these books are useless. Anything above 200 raises energy levels. Intermediate energy zones serve as a springboard to higher levels. For instance, Hatha Yoga is at 320, and Tony Robbins is at 400. Even if some approaches aren’t truly spiritual in the deep sense, studying them makes sense to raise one’s vibrational level for material and concrete purposes "in the world." You don’t study a map of the Milky Way to travel from one country to another.

There are also "hybrid" teachings, with one part of a book calibrating at one level and another part not matching that level at all. All variations and combinations are possible. Things only become dangerous when high-level spiritual doctrines are mixed with low vibrational levels. For example, when the 900 level of the Bible or Quran is mixed with a level 90 (victimization/sadness) or 160 (anger/revenge).

You know you’re on the right track when you can study seemingly opposite perspectives—or relative truths—without perceiving any contradiction. The mainstream New Age phenomenon (170 to 250) turns spirituality into a form of entertainment and consumption, where people "shop around." This is also the zone of fallen angels "playing God in place of God" and false prophets. Often, a teacher who initially calibrates very high drops radically, falling into the trap of popularity, money, pride, or routine (functionality-repetition-stagnation). These drops in energy level are due to the sudden access to authentic states of "power," which goes to the person’s head, leading them to an inflation of their ego-self. This is why it’s recommended to cultivate surrender and humility, never assuming "personal" responsibility for the "siddhis" (spiritual powers) that manifest from 500 onwards, instead thanking "God" for the gift. It’s the rule rather than the exception in the 400/500 zone for the ego to claim credit for the blessing of what manifests and to mistake itself for the Source (because in a certain relative way, this is true). In reality, the ego cannot be "fought" or "eradicated." Its presence is necessary. However, from 700 onwards, it persists while remaining almost silent and in the background.

From 190 (separative pride) to 290 (courage/proactivity), this is the realm of atheists (fixed position) and agnostics (absence of a position). The occult sciences are between 100 and 290 (from victimization to proactivity). The zone below 200 hosts hundreds of thousands of teachings that are half-inspiring but have no "spiritual" effect: in essence, the entire array of New Age "masters." Techniques focused on forcibly manipulating energy are always below 500. Some may help people out of emotional quagmires below 200, but that’s about it. Effort, willpower, and force can lead to altered states of consciousness and paranormal perceptions, but they never aid in communing with the unified field of energy-consciousness. Any attempt at control is a form of violence/rebellion/resistance, ultimately futile.

At 200, you find spirituality that confuses stagnant routine functionality with peace of mind, both in India and in New Age personal development/relaxation techniques. Tai Chi is at 330 and is therefore an energy-leverage vector for someone below that level. Often, a valid healing technique won’t calibrate the same way depending on the intention/motivation behind it. The quality of intention always acts as a vibrational messenger of information representing a certain energy frequency; it’s the intention that defines the vibrational level of the activity/method/technique/healing undertaken, not the activity itself.

In the 300 zone lies the entire paradigm of "WE CREATE OUR OWN REALITY"; "you can achieve all your goals," which has a more productive vibrational level than the paradigm "MANIFEST YOUR DESIRES" (125-280). "Ask and It Is Given" calibrates at 395.

Note that the model of the scale of consciousness-energy levels is neither linear nor hierarchical in the ordinary sense. A teaching at level 700 cannot help someone mired in negative emotions to rise and regain personal power. The energy of pride can help someone stuck in greed and anger to become healthier and more functional, thereby moving toward the zone of courage and integrity. Each zone contributes to the overall evolution-ascension of the total vibrational spectrum—the Consciousness with a capital "C"—and therefore cannot "contradict" the other zones. Each vibrational zone has its place, time, functionality, and memory. Going for a massage is a body activity between 125 and 305, depending on the intention-motivation of the people involved. If sexual desire is mixed with the initial intention of a benevolent treatment, it’s always below 200. The projection of sexual greed is unhealthy for both the masseuse and the massaged, as this insatiable thirst is the affirmation of a lack of fullness, the opposite of letting go, satisfaction, contentment, and gratitude. It’s a symptom of strong attachment. That’s why prostitutes exposed to this type of energy for too long decline in physical, emotional, and mental health, gradually losing their natural feminine radiance and clarity of mind, withering and fading, sinking into malaise, addiction, and apathy. Identifying with greed causes a slide to vibrational levels below 125 (victimization/sadness/codependency/apathy/addiction/guilt/shame/self-hatred) while feeding the levels just above (anger /hatred/ domination/ abuse/ oppression/ manipulation/ malevolence/debasement/pride-arrogance/narcissism/performance). Only someone focusing on offering care unconditionally with love and benevolence can raise the vibrational level of a massage up to 300. A being capable of emitting an intention at 515, for example, using a massage technique/method (290) can produce lasting healing of a specific issue. It is therefore crucial to choose wisely who massages you, as well as the nature of your motivation/intention. This should be approached somewhat like a meditative ritual filled with clarity.

III. Threshold of Genuine "Positivity" (320 to 399)

320 to 399: Goodwill, Optimism, Benevolence : A disposition and determination to engage and act constructively. Open-minded, extroverted, forward-looking. Good physical and mental health, discernment, self-confidence and self-esteem, positive self-affirmation, material success.

This is where true "positivity" begins—not by compensating with positive affirmations motivated by a desire to control or repress what lies in the shadows, but by living a life oriented and aligned with a genuinely benevolent intention towards oneself, the world, and others. The intention becomes clear, powerful, and sincere: one decides to no longer invest attention and energy in what is no longer desired, be it toxic behaviors, relationships, information, environments, occupations, disturbing thoughts/emotions, situations, addictions, or anything else. When one truly chooses to stop inviting certain realities into their life, they spontaneously disappear. The only way to achieve this is through letting go, which, contrary to what the mind suggests, is neither rejection nor denial but rather the ability to accept, admit, recognize, welcome with benevolence, honor, respect, renounce attachment, neither for nor against, and let go in peace, simultaneously. It is by making these things conscious and choosing to stop resisting them that they rearrange themselves on their own.

At 320, selfishness changes form: the self-centered paranoia of level 100, the narcissism of level 190, and the consumerism of level 250 have disappeared. It is authentic self-confidence, integrated to the point where one understands that external approval or validation is not needed to have value and thrive. One realizes that it is impossible to contribute positively to the world without having enough energy within oneself (individual sovereignty, functional personal boundaries, relative stability, and energy homeostasis). Thus, level 320 emphasizes self-care as a priority, breaking free from the chains of victimization (80), overcoming the feeling of obligation to others to be accepted/validated (220), and abandoning the lack of initiative linked to the fear of offending (110). The spirit of rivalry, competition, and comparison (160-199) disappears; the only remaining competition is with oneself, in a personal journey of continuous improvement. Others are left in peace, respected. At this level, a big "YES" to life explodes (while 275 said yes with less optimism and 220 only said "it's okay"). At 320, one is interested in different points of view, perspectives, angles, and integrates them much more easily than lower levels. It is also in the 300s that authentic benevolence and care for others begin to appear. We are willing to genuinely care about something other than ourselves. Benevolence towards others immediately elevates the vibrational level of energy-consciousness.

At 330, one enters the realm of worldly success, prioritizing what is important, turning away from anything that drags one down, and maintaining the will to act with integrity, discipline, and ethics, going "all the way to the end of our dreams." The strategy of compensation is abandoned. It is a personal empowerment, a reinvested individual sovereignty, that places the accomplishment of a project before entertainment and instant gratification. Having a clear vision of our values, principles, priorities, and respecting personal work ethics with integrity is what is called self-discipline, leading to success, regardless of the goal. When an action undertaken with goodwill is aligned with the belief in this certain path to success, one cannot help but achieve their goal, as satisfaction lies in the process of accomplishment itself: the journey, no longer just a final objective.

Level 340 radiates positive energy that inspires and elevates others by its mere presence. The temptation of the 300s is the addiction to success, which, if not controlled, can lead to being stuck in this zone. The 320s can cause a relapse to lower levels, with burnout (pride 190 or work overload 205). In the high 300s, the notion of difficulty (200) is replaced by excellence and high, fluid, joyful performance.

In the 350-380 range, we find ethical, disciplined, and efficient billionaires. (Any vibration below 180 and above 570 is an inhibitor of material success in the world.)

The optimism of 320 can sometimes irritate level 190 (antagonism/pride), which manages to drag it down on a bad day, for example. However, energies below 160 simply cannot affect or alter the energy emanating from level 320. Level 300 acts on its own initiative, free from any sense of fear or coercion. It does not need to be forced, directed, or commanded, and it does not need to exert pressure to work. It is often a leader when it comes to undertaking something.

The higher a person's vibrational level of energy-consciousness, the less effort or force is needed to act and see changes occur in their life. True power is spiritual and goes hand in hand with spiritual freedom.


Engaging concretely in the accomplishment of a dream with all one's heart, with optimism, enthusiasm, courage, goodwill, ethics, and discipline means being in the zone of the 300s. It means being ready to become a productive and effective person, capable of making the right choices and acting in energetic alignment with one's vision.

350-420: This is the energy of the Industrial Revolution, free enterprise, business, and capitalism (the authentic free market and not crony capitalism). This vibration truly elevated humanity, which needed to go through this stage. The Western anti-capitalist man, who denigrates big companies, yet wears clothes, eats, uses technology, and drives a car on roads made possible by free enterprise and business. A large part of society denigrates and demonizes the energy behind enterprise and business. However, contrary to public opinion, the vast majority of large companies operate at the energetic level of goodwill at level 350. Without this energy, no long-term success is possible. Unhealthy businesses and capitalists who exploit labor with malice are in the minority. The distortion of facts induced by extremes (left or right) draws attention to a small segment of society and magnifies it, making a minority appear as a majority, or depicting an entire group as systematically corrupt and demonic. By exaggerating things in this way and thinking in binary terms, one concludes that every rich person who succeeds in business is a dishonest and demonic capitalist villain, or conversely, that all foreigners are deceitful and steal the jobs of honest people, or that being Muslim inevitably means being a fundamentalist Islamist, or that Jews and the Israeli government are the same thing.

On the other hand, the downside of the high 300s produces a mentality that considers progress, technology, and luxury as the pinnacle of advancement, defining all human life as a game of politics, money, social status, competition, and inventions.

One of the secrets of the scale of levels of consciousness is to cultivate the qualities specific to the zone just above our highest current vibration to elevate ourselves and shift the zone of the spectrum we inhabit daily. The 300s are the energetic platform from which one can then safely ascend to higher levels of energy-consciousness.

Each set of character traits and qualities must be cultivated to stabilize our energy field at 300:

  • Benevolent

  • Warm

  • Considerate

  • Cordial

  • Service-oriented

  • Focused

  • Disciplined

  • Determined

  • Persistent

  • Work ethic

  • Grounded

  • Solid

  • Upright

  • Proactive

  • Flexible

  • Balanced

  • Measured

  • Thrifty

  • Middle way

  • Mature

  • Thoughtful

  • Easy-going

  • Tolerant

  • Loving & lovable

  • Open

  • Honest

  • Authentic

  • Transparent

  • Calm

  • Relaxed

  • Content

  • Patient

  • Resilient

  • Confident

  • Forgiving

  • Optimistic

  • Enthusiastic

  • Hopeful

  • Grateful

  • Appreciative & content

  • Generous

  • Decent

  • Dignified

  • Reliable

  • Respectful of others

  • Humble

  • Modest

  • Expansive "white" humor

  • Light-hearted

  • Integrity

  • Ethical

  • Righteous

  • Loyal

  • Honorable

  • Grateful

  • Joyful

  • Healthy

  • Robust

IV. Threshold of Detachment and Neutrality (400 to 450)

400 to 450: Neutrality, detachment, impartial presence, neither for nor against, contemplation, impartial interest, acceptance, attention, concentration, a passionate willingness to learn, attentive listening and observation, ability to easily change perspectives, to empathize with others, understanding, compassion, tolerance, multidirectional competence, creativity, mental agility, integrity, self-assertion (in the sense of freedom, detached from the approval or validation of others).

The favorite question at the 400 level is: "From what point of view or perspective does this truth emerge and seem right?" For someone at the 400 level, there are as many truths as there are contexts, and these two elements are inseparable. Above 400, a consensus is reached in mutual respect, despite differences. Differences are no longer seen as a source of opposition or conflict but rather as a source of humor, allowing for the discovery of a third solution, instead of being locked into binary thinking (right/wrong). Antagonistic arguments are perceived as amusing, even ridiculous.

At the 190 level (pride), disagreements are seen as unpleasant and frustrating, secretly inciting the desire to "crush or convince" the other to have the last word, while at the 155 level (anger), a disagreement can lead to physical violence. The neutral state of the 400 level is detached from any absolute stance or "tension." This vibratory state grants energetic immunity to negativity. By resisting nothing, nothing resists it. The person at the 400 level cultivates "letting go" and "non-action." By releasing tensions, ideas and inspirations come to them spontaneously, allowing them to accomplish more while exerting less effort. The person at the 400 level feels they can "live" what is right simply by the vibration they emit. At this stage, the priority shifts from DOING to BEING, and clarity of mind gradually replaces mental and physical agitation.

The person at the 400 level no longer wishes to engage in the race to acquire more, as energies below 200 do. Nor do they seek to do more, as energies between 200 and 399 do. They simply aspire to BE more and EXPERIENCE more. Their choices and actions stem from their quality of being, rather than from the desire to be this or that. In their mind, there is no progression or separation between doing/acting and being. They begin any endeavor with "the achievement already realized in spirit," rather than from the attachment of desire or aversion to a specific goal, thus affirming and perpetuating a sense of lack. The 400 levels are the realm of the creative mind and intellect (science, inventions, analysis, understanding). Five minutes of concentrated thought produce more fruits than five hours of hard work.

The person at the 400 level does not give exaggerated importance to anything, thus avoiding provoking balancing forces, especially towards things made artificially important by socio-cultural consensus. They guide their life based on their inner priorities, rather than according to a list of things that should or must be done.

The importance placed on oneself also diminishes at this stage. People between 80 and 125 complain about what is wrong with others or try to manipulate them. Between 160 and 190, they consider themselves the center of the universe. From 200 to 310, they scatter and fragment their attention. The person at the 400 level focuses on what is truly important for their well-being and that of the world, and takes initiatives accordingly.

  • At the 190 level, one "filters" and excludes good news.

  • At the 310 level, one "filters" and excludes bad news.

  • Levels from 400 and above neither filter nor select anything in particular, remaining "free of any bias."

The degree of reactivity is significantly reduced, especially towards negativity. While levels 80 to 250 react to everything and anything like automatons, the 400 level only concerns itself with what directly affects them in their immediate environment. The energy that emanates from them is one of listening and presence. Their speech is clear and unambiguous. Only in a situation of intense stress can they lower their vibratory level and fall back into the blind activism of the 300 level or the inflexibility of the 220 level. They can focus on a single object for several minutes without "effort," simply by perceiving, opening up to, and contemplating what is there. Residing in this energetic zone feels like a great relief compared to the "struggle/resistance" of the lower levels. A natural authority emanates from them, needing neither to be gained, acquired, achieved, nor validated or approved by others. If they choose to actively continue their progression, it is through creativity, meditation, learning various arts and sciences, all while advancing in the love of life. They are capable of proactively generating an intense level of effortless concentration and directing their attention where they wish. Nothing they undertake feels like "work" or an "obligation," but rather a source of exponentially increasing well-being.

Many philosophers and great thinkers reside in the zone of the 400 levels. But here, thought is flexible, nuanced, and subtle, as opposed to the literal, concrete, binary mentality (black or white, true or false, good or bad) of the lower levels. The 400 level perceives many levels of "truth" and "reality," multiple possible "angles" and "contexts."

In the high 300s and low 400s are the humanists, intellectuals, and all forms of philosophies that require a high level of intellectual functioning, pushing the conceptual mind to its peak. It is also in these levels that one finds the tolerant mastery of a science, a way of thinking, a sport, a method, etc. The 400 levels inspire and influence millions of people situated below.

Having one’s own beliefs without feeling the need for others to share them is a characteristic of the 350+ level. Below this, the tendency toward proselytism (zeal to recruit new followers or impose one's point of view) is always more or less present. The more energy-conscious a person is, the less they sincerely feel the need to convince or change others.

Great sporting events that generate great inspiration are found in the 400 levels.

V. Threshold of Creativity and Innovation (450/475)

450/475: Intelligence, knowledge, understanding, reason, mental clarity, openness, creativity, invention and discoveries, common sense, rationality, expertise.

This is the zone of the explorer, the scientist, the researcher, the Renaissance man, the inventor, the pioneer, and the scientific genius. Another aspect of this level is represented by the person who motivates others through their achievements and excellence, the “star” followed and admired by many fans (the “fans” are between 100 and 300, having not yet developed their own voice and following that of another). All superstars in art or science have reached, at least for a time, the zone between 400 and 500. Even a small spark of this energy has powerful consequences, resonating over the long term. It is the pinnacle of creativity, a passion for the nature of reality.

The high 400s are the highest realms of the intellect. The downside is an excessive conceptual analysis and intellectualization taken to the extreme, a desire to understand and therefore "control" the cause of everything, to explore every detail, rather than to "feel" directly the overall energy field emanating from something. This intellectual fragmentation can become an endless fractal spiral, fostering separation rather than unification of things. Focusing on the conceptual and intellectual dimension can easily cause one to lose sight of more subtle inspiration and disconnect from the "spirit." A person stuck in the 400s might see a library as their "temple." It is also the level of consciousness where the rational intellect allows one to choose not to be seduced by ego inflation, not to give in to the temptation of believing oneself to be more "enlightened" than one is, simply because one has experienced a momentary elevation of energy or openness in the 600s, for example. The motivation to share what is discovered beyond the frontier of the known at the 450 level is often altruistic and benevolent, but it can also stem from simple individual curiosity. The higher one rises on the scale of vibratory levels, the more individualism (in the sense of personal sovereignty, the radiance of unique individuality), the ability to discern, the uniqueness of each person, thing, situation, and context, as well as differentiation, originality, etc., are perceived, clearly manifested, and emphasized.

The individualism developed between 300 and 570 is neither selfish, egocentric, nor narcissistic. The individual increasingly wishes to contribute positively to the world. However, they still desire to be "recognized" and "applauded" for their contribution, as the ego is still part of the equation.

For the majority of humans, this vibratory level is the highest they can reach, the most refined peak of intellectual consciousness and "mentalization." However, the 470 level can become a wall—a barrier—preventing progress towards higher energy levels and exploring the "spiritual worlds" that lie beyond.

The 500 level is the critical threshold where one shifts from a linear paradigm—cause/effect—to a holistic, non-linear, multidimensional, and multidirectional paradigm. Every human being is a multidimensional microcosm, in synchronization and simultaneous, instant connection with the macrocosm, the totality, the whole, the grand entirety, "God." We carry within us active fragments of each vibratory energy level, from the densest to the most powerful. We are a holographic particle, a living summary, a living expression of the entire universe.

VI. Joy / Wonder / Pure Presence (475 to 505)

475 to 505: Joy begins to appear as early as 275, but at that stage, it is intermittent and characterized by excessive enthusiasm. The stabilized joy, specific to the vibratory realm starting at 475, is different. The energy flowing intensely and smoothly throughout the body becomes a basic and “normal” phenomenon. While the 400s are focused on the mind and the mechanisms that create “reality,” the 475 level focuses on the nature of experience and the entity that experiences reality. At this level, the experience of transpersonal energy-consciousness manifests. The notion of effort gradually disappears, and the mode of functioning evolves from doing to BEING. The individual lives and embraces their authentic self, detached from societal prescriptions: spontaneity, naturalness, joy, and a childlike (but not childish) behavior. The challenges of the world are welcomed and transmuted fluidly. “Protection,” “guidance,” and “healing” manifest quickly in such a high vibrational energy field. Events once perceived as adverse are now seen as interesting phenomena, opportunities, and challenges to be overcome with curiosity. Financial abundance and security may appear without being sought, without holding any particular importance or significance, and without attachment or obsession.

At this level, the person no longer compares themselves to anyone or anything and is unconcerned with hierarchy, more evolved, less evolved, etc. Life is perceived as an eternally renewed opportunity to learn. Everything that “dies” is seen as a chance to be reborn into something else, allowing the new to emerge. The 475 level does not need a “carrot” to look forward and get excited. The optimistic force of unconditional joy “attracts” a continuous abundance of fortunate events and situations, forming an exponential upward spiral.

In the 480s zone, the person is no longer subject to the influence of lower energy levels. They can no longer be pulled down the spectrum unless they choose to do so themselves. A kind of continuous wonder, appreciation, and gratitude is experienced in the background.

Between 150 and 190, suffering and pain are the most intense due to the gigantic amount of energy spent in opposition, resistance, antagonism, and attempts to control. At 50, apathy leads to an apparent absence of sensation and sensitivity, which is actually an anesthesia or denial of even more intense pain than in the upper zones. The lower the vibratory level, the more effort is required to maintain it, consuming a lot of energy. In contrast, very high levels require no “maintenance” to continue radiating. The 500 level is the threshold where one moves from the linear to the non-linear, from the intellect to the heart, from knowledge to Love. A person who “wonders” and inspires the masses through their art and achievements is, at that moment in their life, in the 500s. Any film or music that evokes strong emotions of love, compassion, optimism, and joy in us vibrates at this frequency, elevating our energy level.

That is why the radiant beauty of a completely open woman raises our vibration, inspiring us. A man obsessively fixated on women, objectifying them sexually, reveals an energy shortage (below 290). An individual at 125 will filter beauty by making it a source of attachment and addiction, no longer perceiving that beauty directly but rather through their own projections.

VII. Zones Above 505

At 505, thoughts are easily transmuted into experience thanks to a connection to the “quantum field of potentials,” enabling creation and inspiration that produce beneficial phenomena and things for the collective. At this level, consciousness is no longer concerned with the fluctuations of the world: its vibratory state reconciles the polarization, antagonism, and apparent division that manifest there. Consciousness instead channels beauty and feelings from the more subtle realms.

Art, places, and people vibrating at this frequency are highly beneficial, increasing the energy of those around them. (e.g., Pyramids of Giza; Gothic cathedrals, etc.) In this model, the truly “spiritual” or “celestial” realms begin at 475. All “spiritual dimensions” experienced below this level actually correspond to the "astral realm" (emotivity), ranging from the very low astral to the more “subtle/pure,” which can easily serve as a distraction, diverting the mind from its ascent and leading it astray.

The 505 level rises to 510 when it accepts its power and invests it unconditionally for the global improvement of the world. From 550 onwards, no specific teaching, path, method, or system is required, as the momentum of spiritual growth is accomplished, leading to Peace-Bliss (600 to 1000) and what is called “enlightenment” (which has no number), an unintelligible, indescribable, and unnameable experience beyond all comprehension.

That is why I chose not to discuss it here. Working to rise above 200 (above vibratory levels that sustain disturbing thoughts and emotions) to reside there consistently, gradually refining and evolving our consciousness, seems to me far more important than discussing metaphysical concepts that do not change our lives.

Sources and inspirations:

  • Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior

  • Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender

  • Levels of Energy

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