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Photo du rédacteurDom BRIKI

Carbohydrates, Sugar, and Lifestyle: Take Control of Your Health!

Our modern, industrialized lifestyle, characterized by high-calorie consumption, particularly from glucose-rich sources, coupled with sedentary behavior and high stress levels, is a significant contributor to the development of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and dementia.

However, the importance of prevention cannot be overstated. By adopting a diet and lifestyle that promote optimal health, we can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing these chronic diseases. Historical evaluations of human tribes living according to their ancient habits demonstrate this, with low-carb diets and high physical activity.

During the Paleolithic period, humans were primarily hunter-gatherers, consuming a diet low in carbohydrates and high in proteins and fats. This lifestyle kept them in a state of nutritional ketosis, where blood sugars were low and ketones were high. However, the advent of agriculture in the Neolithic era led to an increase in carbohydrate consumption in the form of grains. Over time, we have developed high-glycemic varieties of grains, transforming them into devitalized and toxic foods, filled with disruptive chemicals, devoid of real nutritional benefits, and extremely high in carbohydrates. This dietary shift, combined with a sedentary lifestyle, is the primary cause of the modern chronic diseases we face.

It is essential to understand, among other things, the dangers of refined sugar and processed vegetable oils on our overall health. Refined sugar, omnipresent in the majority of our processed foods, triggers a cascade of harmful effects in our body. It causes spikes in blood glucose, chronic inflammation, and insulin resistance, thus contributing to the development of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular and immunosuppressive diseases.

Similarly, processed vegetable oils, often used in the preparation of industrial foods, contain excess omega-6 fatty acids compared to omega-3 fatty acids. This creates an inflammatory imbalance in our body, promoting the onset of chronic inflammation and various diseases. And I won't even dwell on herbicides, pesticides, toxic additives, endocrine disruptors of all kinds, etc.

Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize organic, whole, and unprocessed foods, rich in essential nutrients. Let's opt for low-glycemic carbohydrate sources, like vegetables, fresh fruits, and all foods that don't come out of a packaging packet whose ingredients we've gotten used to never reading on the label. Moreover, let's replace processed vegetable oils with healthy fats, such as olive oil, coconut oil, butter, and avocado. No one is forcing us to continue poisoning ourselves. We can make informed choices to preserve our health and reduce the risks of chronic diseases. It's by making these subtle changes in our diet and lifestyle that we can truly reveal our full potential for health and well-being.

In addition to diet, regular physical activity plays a crucial role in preventing these chronic diseases. Walking, for example, is one of the best forms of exercise, as it is easy to integrate into daily life and promotes mental clarity. Individuals who adopt a physically active lifestyle are less likely to develop these diseases.

Particular concern should be given to the rising rates of obesity, especially among children and adolescents. These individuals risk suffering from health problems throughout their life and dying prematurely. It is imperative not to normalize childhood obesity and to act quickly to reverse this trend.

For adults, intermittent fasting also represents a powerful key to optimal health. By freeing yourself from excess carbohydrates, you will feel lighter, more energetic, and more focused. Intermittent fasting allows your body to regenerate, repair, and revitalize. Imagine yourself each morning, full of energy, ready to face the day with increased mental clarity. This is exactly what intermittent fasting, combined with a low-carb diet and high physical activity, can offer you. Through practices that optimize the law of hormesis, your body learns to respond to the effort demanded and becomes stronger and more resilient. Intermittent fasting goes beyond a simple method for losing weight, it's a lifestyle that promotes longevity, optimal health, and overall well-being. By adopting this approach, you take control of your health, feel in harmony with your body, and live a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Would you like to regain a sense of freedom, control, and self-confidence? Intermittent fasting can offer you this experience. So, take a deep breath, visualize your future healthy self, and make the decision today to adopt intermittent fasting, exercise, and say stop to all the addictive poisons that have been sold to you against your will.

In conclusion, maintaining a healthy diet, low in carbohydrates and sugar, practicing intermittent fasting, engaging in regular physical activity, challenging oneself, and avoiding a too comfortable sedentary lifestyle are essential elements to prevent chronic diseases. Although these lifestyle changes may seem difficult due to our past conditioning, the benefits in terms of improved health and longevity are well worth it.

You hold the power to transform your life and your health... now.

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